Day Care

Day Care

Home is where the heart is” rightly said in philosophy. Children enjoy the most when they are at home with there loved ones, who are always there to take care of them. This modern era forces parents to be on work and the increasing work pressure asks them to do so for the whole day.

This becomes a major issue for them as they are not available at home to take care of their young ones, there comes an urgent need for a place that can be a 2nd home for their children and the people who would look after turn out to be mothers and fathers, in such a crucial step, it is difficult to find the trust worthies.

CMIS appreciates the hard work and concern of the parents for their children and loves to help in it, as a helping hand to these working parents’ CMIS comes up with a full-fledged day care facility in there school campus itself.This facility is from 1:00 pm-6:00 pm (functional even on Saturdays) which includes proper care of the child under a 24*7 CCTV surveillance,

the area includes separate bedding for the children who are tired and feel sleepy. There is an evening snacks facility, that includes a glass of milk and fruits as well.Teachers in the daycare are specially trained for the motherly behaviour that they are expected to have with the children and are called as mother teachers.