Mandatory Disclosure


1) Tell us a bit about yourself.
I am Ms Prasanna Lakshmi. I have completed my education from Andhra Pradesh. I have done my masters in Sericulture from Mahila University Tirupati. I work efficiently both as an individual as well as with the team. I am a passionate teacher and having a strong ability to plan and organize effectively

2) What is it like being a teacher? Is it fun, exciting or stressful?
It’s lot of fun with exciting and happy emotions flowing all around. As I started teaching it felt as if I was made for this. Being a teacher of course brings in a lot of responsibilities and stress as you are responsible for shaping the future of the children

3) In what ways do you encourage creativity in your classroom?
I plan my lessons in such a way that the students can correlate it with their day to day activities. I frame questions in such a way that they answer based on what they already know which then takes them closer to the unknown areas about the concept.

4) Tell us about your likes & hobbies.
I usually spend my leisure time in cooking and listening to music. I like creative arts including painting and crafts

5) Do you make learning fun for your students? How?
When teachers make learning exciting, students are more willing to participate and often find the lesson not only more fun but also more memorable. To make my teaching interesting, I encourage students to incorporate hand on activities that allow students to work together.

6) Besides lecture, what methods of teaching do you use?
Various methods of teaching are incorporated such as Power point presentation, Role play, Drawings, etc. Young children understand best when they learn throw play-way method like solving puzzles, clay moulding etc. which I make use of as of part of my teaching.

7) Would you describe yourself as a tough or understanding teacher?
I think am mix of both. I like to be friendly with my students and listen to them as well but when the situation requires me to be tough. I teach kids of different ages mostly 5 years old so I have gain their love and prove myself worthy.

8) How do you use technology to enrich your lessons?
When technology integration in the classroom is thoughtful, students not only become more engaged they begin to take more control over their own learning. To enhance leaning allow students to practice and improve their communication skills.

9) Describe a gifted student.
I believe that every student is a gifted student in some other way, some students learn by looking, some learn by listening, some learn by writing so it is based on their ability

10) Who influenced you to become a teacher?
My friends who taught me something new every day and treated me to a daily laugh, inspires me. Teachers do more than teach and their impact extends beyond the classroom. One of the most common reason to become a teacher is to make a difference in the lives of as many students as you can

11) List 5 adjectives that accurately describe yourself.
Dedicated, Energetic, Passionate, Lovable, Hardworking

12) What were you like, as a student?
As a student I was very sincere and bright student. Also I have always been active in all the co-curricular, extra-curricular activities like dancing, running, musical chair etc.

13) Tell us about an award or recognition during your teaching career?
I received ‘Best Teacher’ award in Nalanda School Vijayawada in the year 2016.

14) In your opinion what are the biggest challenges that teachers face today?
May it be online or offline classes, creating an interesting, visually engaging and easily understood content is the biggest challenge for a teacher.

15) What would be your advice for upcoming teachers?
My advice for the upcoming teachers would be

  • Never stop learning
  • Enjoy teaching
  • Obedient with the Management
  • Be flexible at school
  • Show passion while teaching
  • Be friendly with the colleagues

Prasanna Lakshmi
Preprimary Teacher